Saturday, May 9, 2009

Home Cooked Fried Mee Hoon

It was a long weekend (Labour's Day weekend), so I've decided to cook my (ever famous) fried mee hoon for Vincent He loves it very much, and so does his family. I normally have to cook a whole packet for all of them.

Went to Tesco to buy the ingredients the day before, and only prepared it on Sunday. Preparation was about 15 minutes. Chopping the garlic took up most of the time.

I had to separate 2 times frying to actually finish cooking one packet of mee hoon. So tiring and hot!!

Vincent himself ate 40% of the noodles lol I guess he really loves it! And he's already asking me when is the next time I'll be cooking it again for him... Hmm maybe another 1 month or so Now who says I can't cook?????



uLi.佑莉 said...

Looks yummy wor...when cook for us?

Michelle Y said...

Lol will be stressful to cook for you guys... You know them lar... Comments a lot, but never constructive ones ;p

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